
We help publishers and agencies to maximize revenue.

State-of-the-art in programmatic ads and Ad Ops services.

Are you still using only Adsense to monetize your website?

Our publishers saw up to a 60% increase in revenue in the programmatic advertising segment and improved their page CPM by 100% with our Ad Stack solution.


Filming Services

Ad Ops Outsourcing

Digital Marketing

Header Bidding

Visual Effects

Ad Tech Counseling


“Huge added value”

«Into The Bid» has helped us on several occasions with highly complex implementations working alongside with our IT department. We have generated a valuable synergy and the solutions they provide us have always been of huge added value and innovative.

Federico Tejera

Federico Tejera

CEO – 152 Media Header Bidding

“Highly recommended”

The scalability that «Into The Bid» gave us was magnificent. We found a complete and well-disposed technology partner. The energy they have to work is very difficult to find today. Highly recommended to optimize your ad stack.

Matías Schroeder

Matías Schroeder

director – flower ads

Let’s talk about those bids.

Not matter if you are a small, medium or large publisher or agency, those bids can always be better optimized.